Friday, January 31, 2014

January 101 in 1001 Review

Things have been going well on the crafting front, thanks to the crazy number of snow days we've had...
below is the annotated list of goals i'd set for myself for January:

from the "Crafting" section:
- Afghan square -- COMPLETED

- Braille blanket chart -- NEXT ON MY LIST
- Flower hair pins for Margo -- COMPLETED

from the "Health/Fitness" section:
- Go to bed before 11pm for 7 consecutive days -- NOPE (whoops!)

from the "Around the House" section:
- Finish nursery -- IN PROGRESS
- Organize filing cabinet -- NOPE (whoops!)

from the "Other" section:
- blog my progress (at least twice) -- IN PROGRESS (going well!)

I've also worked on The♥Hubster's socks, completed the 10-stitch project (it turned into a lapghan/"hug-from-afar" for one of my long-time friends) & completed the Socktopus for my coworker's daughter (see below): 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Fastest 3 months. Ever.

Happy 3mo to our littlest guy!

first in a series of quarterly laundry basket photos (like we did for big brother)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

#4: done & done.

Spent a couple hours yesterday & today knocking out some flowers to make into hair clips for the woman who runs my sons' daycare. I really love the pattern i used for the teal flower -- i will definitely be making that one again in the future -- even though it involves seaming 6 different pieces... i wonder if there's a way to do all of the petals at once...


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Socktopus for Miss Eliza :)

Yesterday i put the finishing touches on a plush toy for a coworker's daughter. I'm really pleased with how it turned out (& especially excited that i remembered to take a couple pictures of this one before i sent it away!!)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

101 in 1001 update

Sunday night I completed another craft project from my 101 in 1001 list. It is a lapghan for my long-time friend Emily, who gets chilly at work. The squares, which i think have a log-cabin-quilt feel to them, are made from the 10-Stitch Blanket pattern, but rather than knit one large piece, i chose to do a modular version, for ease of transportation.

Pardon the picture, this thing needs to be blocked badly!


Friday, January 10, 2014

6 to one, half-a-dozen to another...

Today i reorganized my list by length of time needed to complete each item:

LESS than a week:
- Learn to steek
- Sew bolster pillow for papasan chair/reading nook
- Embroider kids' handprints, birth-to-current (0/2)
- Yarn-bomb something
- Socks for Ducky
- Blue-striped socks
- Hat for Donna
- Brigid Larkin hat
- Ten-stitch project
- Sew calico cat for Mom
- Sew curtains for pantry
- Dalek for Gavin
- Socktopus for Eliza (in progress)
- Flower hair pins for Margo
- Darn holes in Jen's blanket
- B&B/Brewery Tour (10th anniv?)
- Travel outside the USA
- Visit family "out west"
- Go skiing
- Hike a trail in a National Park
- Watch a professional Hockey game
- Borrow a book from a "Little Free Library"
- Take Bug & Ducky to a zoo
- Take Bug & Ducky to an aquarium
- Take Bug & Ducky on a cave tour (likely in VA)
- Take Bug & Ducky "camping" at Sleepy Creek
- Take Bug & Ducky on a tour of the Crayola factory
- Ride on a train
- Go horseback riding
- Run a 5k road race
- Run a 5-mile road race
- Do the Color Run
- Have an "unplugged" weekend (no phones, internet, etc.)
- Bake a checkerboard cake
- Bake whoopie pies
- Learn to make FIL's gumbo
- Paint our bedroom
- Make a weekly meal chart (Pinterest)
- Make a "launch station" (Pinterest)
- Finish nursery (in progress)
- Organize the filing cabinet
- Back-up the photos on our computer
- Donate blood
- Community service (hands-on)
- RAOK: Buy someone lunch
- Update the boys' baby books (0/2)
- Donate $100 to a charitable cause
- Take Bug & Ducky Christmas caroling
- See a movie at a drive-in
- Go bowling
- Fly a kite
- Build a proper Gingerbread House
- Have lunch at a "tea room" (invite SILs & nieces?)
- Go to a wine-tasting
- Learn the "50 Nifty United States" song

MORE than a week:
- Refinish elephant toy from Mary
- Draw a self-portrait
- Socks for TheHusbster (in progress: 2/4 socks)
- Aran sweater for Bug
- Aran sweater for Ducky
- Raindance sweater
- Vernal Verde vest
- Windrows Shawl
- Write on/sew Sei Shonagon pillow
- New baby item #1
- New baby item #2
- Fingerless mitts for Sara
- Scarf for Debbie
- Chester cat for Ann
- Frame "The Duel" for Mom
- Braille blanket
- Cheshire cat scarf
- Paisley chart
- Complete 24-day Abs Challenge
- Go to bed before 11pm for 7 consecutive days (0/7)
- Finish laundry room
- Organize/finish the basement closet
- Compile lyrics to all the Sunday School songs of my youth

More than a month:
- Compile family recipes into a bound book
- Sketch-a-Day for a month
- 30 Beekeeper Quilt puffs (0/30)
- Christmas stockings
- Secret project #2 for Mom
- Complete Couch-to-5k (0/33)
- Zumba 10 hrs in a single month (0/10)
- 30 days without caffeine
- 30 days without processed foods
- 30 days without meat
- Potty-train Bug

More than 3 months:
- Complete online class on brioche knitting
- Secret project #1 for Mom
- Take a painting class
- Dragon shawl
- Make a proper salad out of things grown in our garden
- Write a kids' book
- Finish reading the Bible cover-to-cover

More than 6 months:
- Visit 5 museums I've never visited (0/5)
- Lose 25 lbs (0/25)
- Blog "101 in 1001" progress at least 2x month (in progress: 2/66)
- Read 12 books I already own, but haven't yet read (0/12)


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Movin' right along...

Things are going well with the 101 in 1001 ☺
It's Day 3 & i've already completed 1 item from my list, with 4 more in progress.  I'm hoping to finish another one of the craft projects by the end of the week (at the latest) & then i might "read a book i own" to get started on that item.

... i really hope that this list doesn't just help me *start* 101 projects LOL

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Not a Bad Start

Today I kicked-off my 101 in 1001 by trying my hand at a new afghan square i'd been admiring... i am pleased with the results & foresee making some more of these in the near future!

I'm also happy to say that this morning i finished the first of 2 pairs of socks for The♥Hubster, which means that i've completed 50% of that goal as well!
