101 in 1001

THE CHALLENGEComplete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
(Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching.)
INSPIRATION: Scarlet Words blog

Start date: 01/04/2014
End date: 09/30/2016
--> that's 101 tasks in 143 weeks (2 years, 8 months, & 27 days)

01. Complete Craftsy class on brioche knitting (in progress: 2.5/10 lessons complete)
02. Learn to steek
03. Sew bolster pillow for papasan chair/reading nook
04. Secret project #1 for Mom
05. Refinish elephant toy from Mary
06. Compile family recipes into a bound book
07. Embroider kids' handprints, birth-to-current (0/2)
08. Sketch-a-Day for a month
09. Draw a self-portrait
10. Take a painting class
11. Yarn-bomb something (completed: 05 Jun 2014)

Finish WIPs
12. Socks for The♥Husbster (in progress: 2/4 socks)
13. Socks for Bug & Ducky
14. Dragon shawl
15. Blue-striped socks
16. Hat for Donna
17. Aran sweater for Bug (yarn acquired)
18. Aran sweater for Ducky (completed: 16 Feb 2014refinished: 17 Mar 2014)
19. Brigid Larkin hat
20. Raindance sweater
21. Vernal Verde vest
22. Windrows Shawl
23. Thirty Beekeeper Quilt puffs (0/30)
24. Ten-stitch project (completed: 12 Jan 2014)
25. Sew calico cat for Mom
26. Sew curtains for pantry
27. Write on/sew Sei Shonagon pillow

Finish Promised Items
28. Owl for Baby Mastropietro

29. Presents for Baby Lee & Baby Griffiths
30. Dalek for Gavin
31. Afghan square (Stained Glass) (completed: 04 Jan 2014)
32. Fingerless mitts for Sara
33. Socktopus for Eliza (completed: 21 Jan 2014)
34. Scarf for Debbie (completed: 09 Jun 2014)
35. Presents for "Due Nov 2011" siblings
36. Flower hair pins for Margo (completed: 23 Jan 2014)
37. Darn holes in Jen's blanket
38. Frame "The Duel" for Mom

Finish Designing Projects
39. Braille blanket

40. Cheshire cat scarf
41. Paisley chart
42. Christmas stockings
43. Secret project #2 for Mom

44. B&B/Brewery Tour (10th anniv?)
45. Travel outside the USA
46. Visit family "out west"
47. Visit 5 museums I've never visited (0/5)
48. Go skiing
49. Hike a trail in a National Park
50. Watch a professional Hockey game
51. Borrow a book from a "Little Free Library"
52. Take Bug & Ducky to a zoo (completed: 18 Apr 2014)
53. Take Bug & Ducky to an aquarium
54. Take Bug & Ducky on a cave tour (likely in VA)
55. Take Bug & Ducky "camping" at Sleepy Creek
56. Take Bug & Ducky on a tour of the Crayola factory
57. Travel by train
58. Go horseback riding

59. Complete C25k-style running program (completed: Jun 2014)
60. Complete 24-day Abs Challenge
61. Run a 5k road race (completed: 14 Jun 2014)
62. Run a 5-mile road race
63. Do a Color Run (completed: 26 Jul 2014)
64. Zumba 10 hrs in a single month
65. Thirty days without caffeine (completed: 03 Apr 2014)
66. Thirty days without processed foods
67. Thirty days without meat
68. Lose 25 lbs (in progress: +5 lbs)
69. Have an "unplugged" weekend (no phones, internet, etc.)
70. Go to bed before 11pm for 7 consecutive days

71. Bake a checkerboard cake
72. Bake whoopie pies (completed: 3 Jul 2014)
73. Learn to make FIL's gumbo
74. Make a proper salad out of things grown in our garden (in progress: garden growing)
75. Paint our bedroom
76. Make a weekly meal chart (Pinterest)
77. Make a "launch station" (Pinterest)
78. Finish nursery (completed: 1 Jul 2014)
79. Finish laundry room
80. Organize the filing cabinet
81. Organize/finish the basement closet
82. Back-up the photos on our computer

83. Donate blood
84. Community service (hands-on)
85. RAOK: Buy someone lunch (completed: 17 Feb 2014)
86. Update the boys' baby books (0/2)
87. Donate $100 to a charitable cause

OTHER (14)
88. Potty-train Bug (in progress: soooo close!)
89. Write a kids' book
90. Blog "101 in 1001" progress at least 2x month (in progress: 14/66)
91. Take Bug & Ducky Christmas caroling
92. See a movie at a drive-in
93. Go bowling
94. Fly a kite
95. Build a proper Gingerbread House
96. Read 12 books I already own, but haven't yet read (in progress: 1/12)
97. Finish reading the Bible cover-to-cover (in progress)
98. Have lunch at a "tea room" (invite SILs & nieces?)
99. Go to a wine-tasting
100. Learn the "50 Nifty United States" song
101. Compile lyrics to all the Sunday School songs of my youth


  1. awesome list!!
    i can point you in the right direction when it comes to steeking and gumbo is easier than you think.

    1. i understand the idea of steeking, i'm just nervous about actually DOING it :) just the thought that, after all that work knitting, something could go wrong & the piece to be ruined!
