Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 weeks in a row...

I feel like i should congratulate myself :) hahaha

I was super excited when Wednesday rolled around, because i've heard of this thing called "Wordless Wednesdays," where you post nothing but a picture/photo (& optional explanation in post title). Maybe i'll manage to do it this coming week...

Along the same lines, on Thursday i kept getting "Thirsty Thursday" in my head -- a moniker we had in college for the beginning of the (drinking) weekend... perhaps i will try to review beers on Thursdays... the problems with that are (1) i don't really drink a lot of beer anymore, since the♥hubster & i have been TTC and (2) i'm not really a connoisseur of anything, but least of all beer... at least, my preferences vary greatly from the♥hubster's & he knows a thing or two about beer, considering he has been a (home) brewer for years...

I also feel like i should have a "Word of the Week," since i often feel like my weeks have themes to them... so maybe "Theme of the Week" would be more appropriate... por ejemplo, this week's theme would probably be Nostalgia. I have had more dreams about old friends & random remembrances this week than in all of the last few years... the up-side of that is that i have been in contact with two friends (Lisa from grade school & Carrie from grad school). The down-side is that it's made me rather melancholy -- especially last night, in the car, on the way to band practice, when i was looking at the stars & city lights. Night often makes me melancholy, especially looking at city lights after everyone has cleared the street. Last night, it caused me to think about a conversation on probability, chaos, & skyscraper windows i had with some kid named Nick when we were taking care of my friend Jackie, who had a concussion. That conversation happened in 1998 -- see, isn't that weird!

Alright, time for a topic change: knitting.
I have had fairly fleet fingers the last few weeks.  I've turned out a number of hats for charity & i am currently working on a pair of gloves & a hat for two of the guys in the♥hubster's band -- not to mention the mystery hat for the♥hubster himself... i have realized that i am definitely more of a product knitter, despite my inability to keep from starting multiple projects at one time & my reticence to complete certain WIPs. I just adore trying to make something i haven't before, especially when there's a challenge to the pattern, or in rewriting it to fit my needs/preferences.

Chutchy has taken up knitting again (as of the beginning of this fall term), which pleases me. It's nice to have a family member who understands stash accumulation and pattern stalking... not to mention the potential for receiving a knitted item at Christmas that i didn't have to make for myself (i'm hoping for some dishcloths!)... i have a difficult time getting around to the patterns i want to knit for myself, since it's so much more fulfilling to give things away to others... yes, i realize that part of that fulfillment is selfish (i do so enjoy the positive feedback), but i have really been trying to wrap my head around & apply Matthew 6 (especially verses 1-8 & 19-21)... i find it to be one of the most convicting (in a good way) passages in the Bible, for me at least...

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